Sasha strolling in the surf
What an amazing body she has ... may she pose for many another sexy photoshoot!
What an amazing body she has ... may she pose for many another sexy photoshoot!
0 comments See more of her: Sasha
Wouldn't her beauty fit perfectly into a pre-raphaelite John Waterhouse Celtic tableau?
Could someone please cast Lucy as the next Bond girl?
Tatiana has some breathtaking pictures in her portfolio, make sure you don't miss it. This collection has nudes in an empty pool with a lemon and a few from the (humerous) sleeping hammock series.
Nathalie has been somewhat out of view lately, but she is without doubt amongst the most sexy and beautiful girls on the net. She's obviously worked with great photographers (and bad ones...) and hope she will resume her modeling career as the muse to rival Luba's appeal.
0 comments See more of her: Natalie